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Digital Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Just like search engine optimization, SEM abbreviation is Search Engine Marketing is another potent approach of promoting businesses online. In today’s cutthroat competition, survival of the best is possible. Through these services, one can generate traffic and gain customers through advertisements. Just like Duane Forrester mentioned, in the same way that other marketing strategies work, this is too paving its way. In spite of taking different approach, the motive is all the same with SEM.

For Search Engine Marketing (SEM), you pay directly for the advertisements such as Google AdWords, Yahoo Gemini and IgnitionOne. AdWords is for Google search engine and decidedly is the most preferred option for advertising online. In rare circumstances and based on certain locations, advertising on Yahoo is preferred by some. Although search engines take some time for SEO to work, SEM is a recommended option for instant results.

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Search Engine Optimization

“On a broad scale, I see SEO becoming a normalized marketing tactic, the same way TV, radio, and print are traditionally thought of as marketing tactics.”, quoted Duane Forrester, Senior Product Manager of Bing. The very idea is gaining rapid acceptance in every business sector as online business is the new trend. You must be having a website, but is your brand getting the recognition that you deserve? Is it fetching you good number of clients? If your answer is a no, then you need to opt for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

SEO is dynamic in nature and this is used to optimize the website as well as promote your business online. To set it in layman terms, SEO enables us to build relationship with potential customers through the process of linking. Again SEO service in Kolkata is just what you need to grow your business. For your website to rank up, we always prefer your business appearing in organic search results. This is because it helps Google and other search engines identify your business and bring you the desired traffic on your website. The most important point to note here is that no website would be appearing on its own. Unless Google, Bing, Yahoo and similar search engines find your content relevant and indexing it. This is possible through multiple means which is accomplished through SEO work.

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Online Promotions

“Promote your business”, how often do you hear this phrase? We heard you say, “quite often” and we know you must also be feeling jittery. We know online promotions don’t work if not done with a good strategy. Whether it is SEO or online advertisements such as AdWords, optimizing the right content for your business is binding to all.

Despite this well-known and acknowledged factor online promotions only act as a function. The primary motive of online promotion is to support your physical or online business by fetching prospective clients. In order to set seal on it, a lot of things are to be kept in mind to get the desired results. Accelerating the growth of your business is a steady process which requires proper implementation of strategies.

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Social Media Marketing

According to Lori Taylor, founder of The Produce Moms, “Going viral is not an outcome; it’s a happening. Sometimes it happens; sometimes it doesn’t. Just remember, fans are vanity and sales are sanity.” These deep and thoughtful words speak a lot about the current trends in the marketing industry especially social media. Where at a world today having good number of followers and interactions is what most think of as a goal. We are left with amazement realizing that even with a thousand or millions of followers, marketing can’t be done. Yes, you heard it right from us and our word of mouth will make enough sense as you go on to read this.

As revealed by our statement, social media handles are purely based on the content you feed to your followers. Every time you get a new fan it is because they have related to your post. But when we talk of social media marketing, it involves targeting the audience for creating brand awareness. Here the aim is to reach to that group of people who would engage with your products and / or services. However, this is attained though the implementation of up-to-date content on your brand profiles. Furthermore, this is done by first understanding the requirements of your potential clients. After this emphasis is laid on content creation which includes banners, infographics, posters and content to describe the post. The more the information you put in and make it attractive, the higher would be the chance of converting audience into potential clients.

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Google Ads Campaign - Pay Per Click

Raj Technical House (RTH) strongly holds that running campaigns is important, but so is the commitment along with it. This is what we accomplish for our business partners when we advertise them on Google.

AdWords is a very popular method of advertising effectively for instant results. Formerly, known as PPC or Pay Per Click, AdWords is a product of Google where you get to engage with potential customers through advertisement. In it you pay for every click that you get on your running ad. Anytime someone searches for a specific product or service; your ad gets displayed on the top of the search results. Owing to this advertisement, this potential customer might click on your ad and only then you are charged for it.

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Google Local Listing

With GLL or Google Local Listing now you get the power to eliminate the consequence of distance through geographical boundaries. Also known as map listing this is just an online alternative of the local directories that we used to refer. It is significant for any business to list itself on Google which is the most popular search engine. Over time the usage and trust in this form of listing has grown remarkably.

Although you must be having your business listed on online directories, GLL is still necessary for visibility. Some of you reading this might relate when we say online directories generate fewer response. It hardly helps you get good number of customers for your business. We are not giving voice to keep away from these directories. However, we all know about the response one gets from the paid listings in these directories. As a consequence, the ones who don’t avail these packages lose out on potential clients.

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Web Analytics

Keeping a record to track the progress of your business is something which is being followed since ages. Now with the advancement in technology, analysis of your business can be traced online. Undoubtedly, this is necessary for every business and now with the correct employment of web analytics this has got effortless.

Web analytics helps you run an analysis by inspecting the data available online to get clear picture of user behaviour. This measurement prominently comprises of detailed analysis of user engagement, conversion rates and more. Through the means of analytical tools, we give you a detailed report of the activities taking place on your website. This audit report also consists of attributes of audience’s behaviour, and even their details such as age group and location. Furthermore, this helps us identify a lot of factors which is necessary for a business to grow online. One being whether your business is generating sufficient traffic from the target audience group or not. Other things that we grasp includes interaction level on keywords, and of course the key metrics.

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Content Writing Service In Kolkata

“Content marketing is like a first date. If you only talk about yourself, there won’t be a second one.”, quoted David Beebe. Makes sense to us as we know you want to know about us, as well as the benefits with us. The quantum of success of a website is uniformly divided between content, design and strategy. No website or campaign can expect a good conversion rate unless their content is well refined.

“A website without good content is like a frappe without ice.” – Chief Content Analyst, RTH. Certainly, true as we all know, the first impression is always the last impression. We believe that if a content fails to drag your attention at first, you won’t be completing it to the end. This is why maintaining a standard quality of the content we post on our website gets significant. Notably, the content also is representative of your business as it speaks on your behalf. Selling your product or service gets easier as we curate content with which your potential client can relate. Therefore, we only pen down valuable content for your website, blog or campaign to help you get brand recognition. We also work as online content writers to deliver projects anywhere, anytime

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