Web Analytics

What We Do

Web Analytics

Keeping a record to track the progress of your business is something which is being followed since ages. Now with the advancement in technology, analysis of your business can be traced online. Undoubtedly, this is necessary for every business and now with the correct employment of web analytics this has got effortless.

Web analytics helps you run an analysis by inspecting the data available online to get clear picture of user behaviour. This measurement prominently comprises of detailed analysis of user engagement, conversion rates and more. Through the means of analytical tools, we give you a detailed report of the activities taking place on your website. This audit report also consists of attributes of audience’s behaviour, and even their details such as age group and location. Furthermore, this helps us identify a lot of factors which is necessary for a business to grow online. One being whether your business is generating sufficient traffic from the target audience group or not. Other things that we grasp includes interaction level on keywords, and of course the key metrics.

In spite of putting in best efforts, getting good results gets difficult in this tough competition. Through accurate analysis you can precisely run successful campaigns and start reaping benefits. This is what we at Raj Technical House (RTH) help you with as we comprehensively analyse your website and business presence.

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